Easy Relocation Moving Company

Virtual Survey or In-Home Estimate: Which is Better For Your Moving Quote?

Virtual Survey or In-Home Estimate: Which is Better For Your Moving Quote?

If you’re planning a move, we’re sure you have a million questions swirling around in your mind, keeping you up at night. No matter how skilled you are at organizing and planning, packing up and moving can be stressful, especially when you need to pack and transport numerous valuable items.

Virtual Survey or In-Home Estimate?

That’s precisely why we advise creating a detailed list of everything you plan to move to your new address. This leads us to the critical question, which is also in the very title of this article: what’s better for you, a virtual survey or an in-home estimate?

To answer your question precisely, we will thoroughly explain what a virtual survey estimate and an in-home estimate are and, most importantly, how they differ.

What is a Virtual Moving Estimate?

A virtual moving survey, or video survey, lets you list the stuff you want to transport from your home. It’s a quicker and more convenient way to share what you’re moving and get an estimate for the upcoming relocation.

What is a Virtual Moving Estimate?

All you need is your smartphone or tablet – no need to bother scheduling visits and giving tours. This easy process takes just a few minutes. It usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes, but that can differ based on the number of items you plan to relocate.

When you contact Easy Relocation for a moving quote, we usually use virtual surveys for homes with 3-bedrooms or 4-bedroom houses. This simplifies things and ensures we give you an accurate and precise estimate based on your inventory list. You can require quite a few from several moving companies this way and then decide which works best for your specific needs and demands.

Virtual Surveys represent a modern convenience that revolutionized the entire moving industry.

How does it work?

Organizing a virtual survey is straightforward if a moving company is trustworthy with years of experience. All you need to do is follow the next steps, and you will get your precise moving quote in no time.

The first step is to schedule the virtual survey with an experienced and skilled specialist to review your inventory list with you carefully. It will be scheduled in a time that works best for you. Just before your designed virtual survey, you’ll receive a meeting ID. This ID is essential for connecting to the online meeting.

The next step is to go room by room with your virtual survey specialist and show them all the items you plan to relocate. You will review your inventory list twice to ensure you have covered everything. Finally, the specialist will check everything with other moving coordinators. You will receive a precise moving estimate within a few minutes.

What are the pros and cons of a virtual survey?

What are the pros and cons of a virtual survey?

To help you and give you all the necessary information, we gathered all advantages and disadvantages of doing a virtual survey:


  • Convenience – You can comfortably sit at home and converse with our virtual survey specialist. As far as we’re concerned, you can even be in your pajamas! Furthermore, the survey time will be scheduled to accommodate your needs.
  • Simple and fast – This approach is time-efficient since it eliminates the necessity of arranging an in-person meeting, saving you valuable time that would otherwise be spent coordinating schedules and other appointments.
  • Flexible – Regardless of your location, you can easily participate in a virtual survey; you only need a tablet or a smartphone. Moreover, everything is tailored to your needs, allowing you to adjust the survey time that works for you.


  • You can skip a room or forget some items – No matter how well-organized you are, it can always happen to miss some space or forget one thing. 
  • Technological challenges – Even though we all have smartphones and fast internet in today’s world, there are still times when the power goes out, or the Wi-Fi acts up, even if we’ve paid all our bills on time. These little things can affect the quality and conduct of a virtual survey.
  • Certain limitations – Virtual surveys might not work well for everyone, especially for those who aren’t very familiar with using technology,

What is an In-Home Estimate?

What is an In-Home Estimate?

Simply put, an in-home estimate is when a certified moving professional from the moving company comes to your place to check out your inventory and determine how much moving will cost. 

They look at what you plan to relocate to your new home and give you a price based on that. This helps them give you an accurate idea of the cost and plan for any unique things about your move. This more traditional method still provides good results, even in this fast-paced, modern world. We usually recommend this method if your house has more than four bedrooms or you have many things to transport.

How does it work?

A professional representative from the moving company will visit you and go through all your belongings. That person will also take notes of items you plan to relocate, and they will write down any special requirements you may have.

This on-site assessment empowers them to give you an exact cost estimate considering your possessions and the complexity of your upcoming move. It’s a deeply personalized approach that ensures you receive a precise moving estimate customized to your unique moving requirements.

What are the pros and cons of an in-home estimate?

What are the pros and cons of an in-home estimate?

Like any approach, this one also has its pros and cons. In the following sentences, we’ll show you the upsides and downsides of an in-home estimate.


  • Personal approach – In today’s digital age, where most things happen online, an in-home estimate can be a refreshing change. Direct contact and open communication remain irreplaceable. This also offers a unique opportunity to get to know the chosen moving company better and ask any questions that come to mind.
  • Accurate estimates –  The estimator can see your belongings firsthand, resulting in a more precise cost estimate.
  • Thorough inspection – The moving company’s representative can pinpoint fragile or other special items and tell you about possible challenges that can affect the transportation of those possessions. The estimator also knows what to look for and understands the complexity of your move.


  • Arranging time – Scheduling an in-person visit may be less convenient in some situations than using the virtual option. Creating a schedule can be more challenging with in-home estimates than virtual surveys. 
  • Organization – In-home estimates require time, proper organization, and travel to and from your house, making them less feasible for a more significant number of appointments.
  • Restrictions – In situations where a physical presence is required, in-home estimates could face limitations, especially in scenarios related to the pandemic or other unusual circumstances that can always happen no matter how skilled and organized a moving company is. 

What Should You Discuss with Your Moving Company?

Whichever method you choose, you should discuss the following with your prospective moving company:

  • Steep driveways for both locations
  • Stairs for both locations
  • Bulky items

Whether you’re conducting a virtual survey or an in-home estimate, these critical factors can significantly impact the moving process. We advise discussing these with the company representative to ensure a smooth relocation.

What Option Is Right For You?

Ultimately, the decision is on you, but we hope this article gives you some helpful information to help you make the final decision. Virtual surveys offer convenience, safety, and flexibility, while in-home estimates provide a thorough assessment and personalized interaction. Both are excellent and valid methods that can give you precise moving estimates.

